Musicians are awesome! Their shows bring us so much enjoyment. The downside is that music is almost always loud, in fact, many people prefer it that way. Since musicians expose themselves to loud music frequently, their hearing is at greater risk of being harmed. As you get older, you’ll still want to be able to […]
Even when it’s somewhat mild, hearing loss can have a big impact on your life. The way you communicate with friends, coworkers, and family members can change significantly. Everyday activities like going to the supermarket can become more difficult. But it doesn’t need to have this kind of negative affect on you. On the contrary, […]
No two cases of hearing loss are the same Just because two individuals have the same hearing loss condition doesn’t mean they will have exactly the same experience. No two cases of hearing loss are precisely identical. While you might be able to relate to somebody else with hearing loss, keep in mind that your […]
Hypersensitivity to loud sound is often reported in those with hearing loss. The root cause is a condition hearing specialists call auditory recruitment. […]